Tag Archives: 2A Rally
Maybe update people on your phone, or your camera, a spare battery pack, or a data storage device
your boots, or a pocket knife
Maybe an interview or some facts about the town or a building
Maybe record a story about an adventure you once had there
But film something (and you mention the 2A Rally)
Extra reach, and its fun
Lets worry less about what MIGHT happen
lets get out there and show up, make a difference, be heard
Who will the media Interview ?
People are worried about what people will dress like for the 2A rallys
ANd what might happen if a “ya-hoo” gets interviewed by the media at the 2A Rally
what is probable ??
you have unrealistic expectations of what is probable..
think about it, we don’t worry about what MIGHT happen each time we drive somewhere.. or walk somewhere..
why do we get so concerned about when we carry a gun